Mukanāna Games

/ Muck-uh-nay-nah /
"Fun... Faithfully"
We are the makers of the fun, easy, and social SWOOP Card Game. We're delighted that you've discovered our website.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or feedback.
Hospitality runs deep in our family's roots. Our doors are always open, welcoming family, friends, and neighbors alike. It's a rare weekend that our house isn't blessed with the warmth of good company, delicious food, and the joy of friendship.
Recently, we shared the SWOOP Card Game with our friends and family, and the reaction was fantastic. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the game and was just as excited as we were to share the fun. It confirmed what we've always believed: SWOOP is not just simple to learn and play, but it also provides an enticing level of challenge. It's a game that breaks down age barriers, acts as a perfect social activity, and most importantly, it's incredibly fun!
We invite you to join in the fun of playing SWOOP. For us, it's not just a game; it's become an integral part of our weekend gatherings, and we hope it brings as much joy to your house as it has to ours.
Our Gratitude
We are truly grateful for the many friends and family members that encouraged and inspired us during the ideation, creation and testing of our SWOOP Card Game. Their time, support and input has been key to getting to where we are today.
Our Commitment
Our commitment can be summed as “The Four F’s” - Faith, Family, Friendship and Fun. We hope and strive to honor these commitments in all things… and always in this order.
We believe that SWOOP is perfectly aligned with Family and Friendship. We witness the friendship, community, and fun that playing SWOOP provides within our own family and circle of friends.
But it does not stop there for us. By using the gifts given to us - our talents, resources, and time - we honor God and truly desire to bring more community, friendship, and fun to your home.
We are committed to providing good, wholesome games for all... and backing them with outstanding customer support.
We know that there is no limit to the number of games that you can play, so we are grateful if SWOOP is one that you choose.
So, Why Mukanāna?
Annette, sister to Mike, one of our co-founders, was instrumental in the creation of our SWOOP Card Game. Being the eldest of four siblings, with Mike as the youngest, she was a significant influence during their childhood. It was Annette who affectionately bestowed upon Mike his nickname, “Muk-a-nana”. To be totally forthcoming, the full nickname was “Muk-a-nana, boob-a-dada, meat-a-balla, heady-bum-bum”🤪