How to Play
How to Play Video
Looking for step-by-step instructions on how to play SWOOP? You've come to the right place.
We are working diligently to create an informative and fun tutorial video.
Check back here often or sign up to our email list and be notified when the video is available.
SWOOP Color Instruction Sheet (v1.0)
SWOOP Black & White Instruction Sheet (v1.0)
SWOOP Score Sheets
Click here for view/download Score Sheets
(Double Sided - 2 Scoresheets per side)
Use following settings when printing
Instruction Guides: Landscape | Fit to page | Print on both sides of paper | Flip on short edge
Score Sheets: Portrait | Fit to page | Print on both sides of paper | Flip on short edge
Frequently Asked Gameplay Questions
Can more than 8 people play?
Yes! For 8 to 11 players, a fourth deck of SWOOP Cards is required.
You can get the 4th, Purple Deck for $4.49 (52% off standard $9.49 price) when you purchase it with the SWOOP Card Game.
You can buy the Purple Deck here.
Can the player starting a round play any card?
Yes. They can play one or more matching number card(s) - 1 through 12 - or a SWOOP Card. It is advised to play high cards to start a round, so as not to get stuck with them later in the round.
Can you play cards from your Hand and/or Board that match a played Mystery Card?
Yes. A player can, but is not required to, play any/or all matching Hand and Board Cards upon playing a Mystery Card.
Can I play a card after Taking the Center Pile?
When forced to play a higher card and picking up all the cards in the Center Pile, that player’s turn is over.
The player to the left now has an empty Center Pile to which they can play any card they wish.